
Friday 2 December 2011

Essence Nail Art Twins - Gabriella and Troy

Here we have the lovely Essence Nail Art Twins, in the set 'Gabriella & Troy'.  These are gorgeous sets of polish and I will be posting pics of the others I have when I try them too!  I was still in a purple mood so I thought these would fit the bill nicely.  Gabriella is a lovely pink toned purple creme with a blue flash that isn't as visible on the nail as it is in the bottle, but it is still a lovely colour in its own right.  I will be wearing this one in future without her respective twin, Gabriella is a pretty girl all on her own.  The formula was great and went on without any issues and dried super shiny.  Once Gabriella was on and dry, of course I had to add her other half Troy to complete the look.  Troy has blue and purple small glitter particles suspended in a clear base, and compliments Gabriella perfectly.  Again it went on without any issues, and the overall finished effect is a blue and purple glittery prettiness that makes my eyes glad to look at.

So, as always, enough of the waffle, its the pic you want to see right!  I hope you like it :)


  1. love the combo!

  2. Beautiful! Makes me wish they sold those here.

    I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award! I already have the post up about it :)

  3. Essence have some great polishes!

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