Well first things first, sorry about the lack of posts for a while, I have had flu like symptoms, and massive headaches so obviously staring at a PC screen wasn't high on my priorities! I will admit I did check my emails and facebook, but in general had no drive to do much of anything else, and then there was the disastrous job interview I just had today. It was so awful it was funny! Ah well, maybe the next one :)
When I got home I decided that I HAD to paint my nails. I got the most EPIC nail mail from my lovely friend Kati P in Holland (waves at Kati!) and included in my mail was this little treasure which she had already bought me
before I knew I wanted it, how awesome is she.
I layered this over a dark blue base, I used George Indigo Dazzle from Asda. In its own right it wasn't a bad polish actually, but for this purpose I just wanted a base. Then I layered Essence Color & Go Blue Addicted over the top. Blue addicted is small blue glitter, and large blue and emerald hex glitter suspended in a navy blue base. I used two coats over my dark base, and I think this is about right. The glitter was really easy to apply, I didn't have to chase the hex glitter around or fiddle with it, and it dried quickly. I did add OPI rapid dry top coat and it has dried to a wonderful shine and isn't rough or badly bumpy like some of these types of polish can be.
I am told that this polish is a pretty damned good dupe for Deborah Lippmans Across the Universe, so if someone will send me one of those I will happily do a comparison! As I don't unfortunately have the Deborah Lippman one to compare this to, I have to rely on swatches posted on the net, and I have to say from the pics I have seen they do look pretty close, but you judge for yourselves, heres some pics and I think the polish fully justifies three of them :) I hope you like, and thanks again Kati for this pretty bottle of polish.