
Sunday 12 June 2011

Custom Painting Pearls - An Epic Franken Post Part 2 - Colour Powder

Well here we are part 2 - made it!  This post is for all the colour powders I tried, I was sent Pink Gold, Pure Purple, Sky Blue, Apple Green, Dark Gold and Shimmer Multi Blue.  These are fine powders and worked very well.  Again I just used a pretty cheap clear polish as a base in most of these and the results were still good with no application problems with the mix.  The only criticism if you could call it that, is that again the colour tends to sink in mine and needs a good shake if it has been stood before application but I must quantify this by saying that is more likely due to the base used.  As I said before you can buy specific bases for mixing with but I just used some basic clear top coats I had spare.

OK so on with the pics right (thats what everyone really wants to see, the results!)  I will start with my favourite, Pink Gold.  This turned out to be a duochrome, which I LOVE!  It flashes from a warm almost coral pink to gold, its warm and shimmery but not too girly pink.  In short, its just lovely.  See for yourselves:  (As always pics are clickable to enlarge for detail should you wish)

Next up we have Sky Blue.  It is exactly the colour it says and what you would expect.  It has somewhat of a frost finish as opposed to the sparkle of the Pink Gold, but it is a good clean shade, and a pretty version of sky blue.

Apple Green is up next.  Its a very good description for the colour, it is a crisp pale green, not too pale though, I wouldn't say it was a pastel.  This one is also a frosted finish, and whilst anyone who knows me, knows I don't really 'do' green, it is nevertheless a very pretty shade.  


OK on to the next one!  Now we have Dark Gold, ooh I love this one, its a rich saturated Gold, very shiny and shimmery and perfect for a sunny day.

Now I give you, purple and an apology!  Sorry I don't have better pics of this but believe me when I say you wouldn't have wanted to see the bottle, there was a clumsy, shocked 'oh nooo I've dropped it!' moment.  Once something is on the floor my dogs decree by law that it is theirs so I had to grab it quick, and then it was hairy because they are moulting.  Ah well, I can always post better pics with the new batch when I do a full mani :)

Right so, here we have Pure Purple.  It is a rich royal purple, and I LOVE purple, to me it is the best colour in the world, and this one makes me smile. 


Now last colour powder, but by no means least is the lovely Shimmer Multi Blue.  This is a pale pearly shimmer colour with a subtle duochrome.  If you had the patience I'm sure this could be used in a few frankens with interesting effects, or could be  built up to make a pale duochrome colour in itself, but for my purposes I have used it for layering.

This one is available in different colours too, but I have the blue, so I will show you that.  It is very difficult to photograph but in this pic I think you can just about see the blue tint in the bottle, and I have painted it on my pinky finger over China Glaze Purple Panic, so you can see the effect is has.

 Here it is layered over Orly Wild Wisteria (very dark plum)
  After this I thought I would try mixing a few of these colours up a bit, so I added some Pure Purple powder to the bottle of Shimmer Multi Blue, really just to see what happened, and I got this pretty lilac colour.

I also made a rather fetching bronze by taking my Dark Gold bottle, and I added a pinch of the purple powder, and a couple of drops of dark red polish to the mix, and here is the result.

Last one now :) I had a bottle of blue glitter polish suspended in a dark pink base.  In the bottle it looked promising but on the nail the glitter was too sparse for my liking so I thought I would liven it up a bit.  I added a little of the Pure Purple, a little of the Shimmer Multi Blue, and then some Blue Ocean holo flake and some Silver holo flake.  The result was this bottle of unusual polish, but I don't have another like it!  If you would like to see me add this one to my upcoming giveaway, please say so :)

 So there we have it, part two of my epic.  I will be getting some more of these powders for definite, and I might buy some better bases to use.  I will be doing more experimentation (once I have cleaned up the mess I have made from this lot!) and also trying mixing up different colours and effects.  I will do another post when that happens.  Thanks for reading :D

(I got these from the same place as the holo flakes in part 1 if you are interested and want some for yourselves, or want to check out the other colours.  Custom Painting Pearls here )


  1. You are so good! Wow!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. Great frankening! Love the colours you were able to come up with!

  3. Thank you :) I have some more on the way now, so there will be definitely be more to come :)
