
Thursday 5 May 2011

NFU Oh - Oh no, not if you live in the UK (no pics just a rant!)

OK, I have been looking for flakies, I love them, want them, neeeeeeeeed them after seeing so many lovely swatches.  I have a particular lust for NFU Oh ones, specifically no's 51 & 52 (oh and 49) and some others, you get my drift anyway.  Here there is one HUGE problem, I live in the UK (how bloody dare I!) 

Oh how I want NFU Oh, but the USA store which sells it won't ship to the UK as we already have a supplier, conflict of business interests and all that, and fair enough.  Therein though lies a small problem, (well actually the HUGE problem mentioned).  The UK supplier doesn't have hardly anything apart from standard nail polish, but even worse than this, if you are just a normal buyer, not a business or salon for example, then I was told in an email by them that they DOUBLE the price. What a rip off! Completely!  I've heard of supply and demand, but in this case its 'we are the only ones who can supply, so we can demand whatever price we want'.  I wish I was joking, I really do, but here is the email, word for word, copied and pasted from my inbox.   

"Hi Michelle

Our site is for trade only as we only sell to professionals. You must prove to be a trained Beauty Therapist or nail technician to purchase. We shall be offering retail prices soon to members of the public (for selected lines). However in the mean time if you wish to purchase at retail price it is double the price of the trade price for polishes.

Hope this helps"

Hope this helps!  I could feel a vein at my temple throbbing!  Now I'm not going to name this company, as I sure as hell aren't going to give them free advertising (I know I kind of have in a way but pah), but its easy to find them.  I just thought I needed to vent my frustration, and I'm sure there are lots of UK polish obsessed people feel the same way.  And.....breathe! 


  1. I just found your amazing blog whilst trying to purchase some NFU OH in the UK, I'm so frustrated that we just can't get our hands on the stuff without paying over inflated ebay prices. Love the blog tho

  2. Thank you for the compliment, and yeah the prices of polish in general in the UK and Europe are over inflated :( swapping with our friends in the US is the way to go I think :D

  3. Yeah, this is pretty sad. The holos are £18 and the flakies £15 per bottle. In the US they sell for around £6. It's taking the mick a bit. I'm planning to go to the US next year, so I'm going to have a beauty splurge!

  4. I absolutely sympathize with your dissatisfaction with the scarce supply and exorbitant costs of your cherished NFU Oh flakies in the UK. For fans like us, it is upsetting when supply monopolies result in unfair pricing. Positively speaking, if you ever need aid with academic assignments, visit the "Best Website For Assignment Writing" to get high-quality support free of the markup associated with the beauty industry!
